K is for Kink

My A-Z Challenge this year contains posts about writing adult content in fiction – you will not find any adult fiction within the parameters of the challenge, except for illustration purposes.

There are some things I like to get a feel for when I write a scene and so I’ll read novels containing what I want to write. For example, fight scenes. I have a hard time with pacing and repetition during any scene that involves fisticuffs.

What I don’t want to get tips on from other writers–or any other resources for that matter–is kink. If my characters have an armpit fetish or belong to an exclusive club where they join in fetishistic orgies, I don’t want to know ahead of time that that particular kink is a “thing.” Kinks in fiction, in my opinion, need to be as original as possible.

I’m not sure quite what it is about this aspect of fiction – perhaps it’s the old adage that if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all that makes it necessary for me to keep a sex scene fresh in some way. That includes, as Mr. Wheeler said in a comment on my last post, simply alluding to the fact that it’s going to happen without actually writing it. There’s a lot to be said for leaving everything to the reader’s imagination, or most of it anyway.

Is there any particular sort of scene or part of a story that you feel needs to be as original as possible? Something such as torture, perhaps?

8 thoughts on “K is for Kink

  1. Perhaps focusing on the anger / frustration the character feels, rather than what he actually does physically?
    Some scenes have to be violent, and if they serve a purpose in the narrative that’s fine for me.
    I’m featuring a couple of action novels with some violence for day M and day R. It’s not the type of novel I usually read but I like to widen my scope and push my limits 😉


    • I agree, sometimes to stay true to the story and to properly include the writer, some scenes need to go to extremes to get the point across. Then again, there’s nothing quite like built up frustration in a character to build tension in a tale. 🙂

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  2. I think the originality lies in your skill as a writer and how you can shape the language to achieve the purpose you intend.
    Implied is often good, a bit like the horror behind the door you know its there and your imagination conjures its own images.


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