Write Away

I want to write away my frustrations – put them down on the screen so I can erase them again. But that doesn’t work, does it? Because until I let them loose send them away on the wind, out into the universe where they can get lost in other people’s thoughts–where they can mingle and be part of something else–they keep coming back. My frustrated writings are like boomerangs that I can only catch with my forehead, or like a cuff around the ear. Ever been hit by a frustrated boomerang? I think they twirl faster than regular ones.

So mingle away, frustrations!

I feel better already.

16 thoughts on “Write Away

  1. Dear Miss Izzy you have been missed. Sorry you are suffering frustrations as you are, the price of being human I think, as I live in the future I see them coming before you and so can adjust, sort of…..


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